Unroasted - Sumatra Mandheling GR1


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About the bean

For a famously mild brew, Sumatran beans are quite the shock to behold unroasted. Their rather mottled, disheveled appearance as a result of Sumatra's distinctive wet-hulled method of processing leads first-time drinkers to wonder if the beans are off. Worry not. But they are a weird looking bunch.

Sumatra is known for its post-harvest, semi-washed Giling Basah method, which involves separating the coffee cherries from their skins followed by a brief spot of drying and then hulling (removing beans from their parchment) and then another round of drying. Without their outer layer, beans dry quick and producers are able to get their coffee to market relatively quick, but with a 30-50% moisture level (most green coffee beans are between 8-12.5%). The pay-off is a faster buck for growers, and for us: a uniquely earthy, intense, herby flavour distinguished by a full syrupy body. Easy to digest, Sumatran coffees typically make for a mellow brew. Although, that doesn't mean dull. Some crops are quite lively but there is typically a smoothness to the Sumatran journey that is the great appeal of this coffee.

Our current crop of Sumatra Mandheling GR1 is from northern Sumatra's Jagong Jeget District. We taste tested this one as a Full City roast, brewed as a pour over: very good body with a buttery taste; rather sweet. 


Quick Notes

REGION: Batak Region of West-Central Sumatra, Aceh
ALTITUDE: 1100 - 1500 masl.
PROCESS: Wet Hulled
SOIL: Andosol (volcanic)
SHADING TREES: Lamtoro, Avocado, Albasia (Albizia), Sengon

Roast Recommendation: Medium to dark. For an explanation of our different roasts, see here: http://greenbeanery.ca/pages/roasting-chart.