Unroasted - Colombian Supremo SC 17/18


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About the bean

Do you like a medium to dark roast? Do you like espresso? Do you like a brew rich in flavour and bold in body? Yes? Then our new batch of Colombian Supremo SC 17/18 is for you! These beans are sourced from the central west of Colombia in the Tolima region, the country's largest coffee producing region. Coffee here is mountain-grown by small farmers and large estates. The high altitude slows the pace of ripening and the result is a classic Colombian - rich, full bodied, and a toasted chocolate taste that cools to a cold brew perfection. 

No surprises and that's OK because this coffee is super good. And the crema! Go espresso, go cold brew and get happy.

Ripe fruits, walnut and berry notes. Smooth body with sharp acidity

Quick Notes

REGION: Popayan
PROCESS: Fully Washed
ALTITUDE: 1500 - 1900 masl.

Taste Test

City roast, medium-fine grind, brewed in a Hario V60 pour over (30g of coffee to 500ml of water)
This combination produced a silky body and a sweet taste with a light acidity. Pleasant indeed with a smoky finish.

Vienna roast, medium grind, brewed in a French press (40g of coffee to 500ml of water)
Oh, yeah! We upped the ratio of coffee to enhance the body, which at this level was syrupy strong with a potent chocolate, almost brownie flavour. When the cup cooled, the flavour balance evened out, making this one a great pick for cold brew.

Our only regret? We didn't pull an espresso shot. And that's where this bean shines.

Roast recommendation: Medium to dark. Oh, Vienna! You were nice. For an explanation of our different roasts, see here: http://greenbeanery.ca/pages/roasting-chart.